
The Smiling Leash Team believes in constant development and updated knowledge. We want to share some of the resources that we use. The more we know about dogs, the better we understand them and the more we realize that there is still a lot to learn.

Most of us will have heard the expression 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing' and we would certainly attest to that. As dog owners we were no strangers to the usual mistakes made through a lack of understanding, despite having the best intentions. So, we read what we thought of as informed texts, attended classes given by dog training 'experts' and some of us ended up with over-treated, theoretically obedient dogs that would walk docilely. Over the years, however, through more reading, wider study and diligent research, we discovered that a greater depth of knowledge can lead to far more rewarding human-dog relationships. This is a list of materials we consider to be, and highly recommend as, authoritative sources of information, that will help fast-track a path to a wonderful relationship between you and your dog.



“On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals”, Turid Rugaas

“Barking: The Sound of a Language”, Turid Rugaas

“My Dog Pulls. What Do I Do?”, Turid Rugaas

“Dogs in Motion”, Martin S. Fisher and Karin E. Lilje

“Canine Confidential: Why Dogs Do What They Do”, Marc Bekoff

“The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow and Empathy - and Why They Matter”, Marc Bekoff

“The Canine Kingdom of Scent - Fun Activities Using Your Dog’s Natural Instincts”, Anne Lill Kvam

“Dominance in Dogs - Fact or Fiction”, Barry Eaton

“The Human Half Of Dog Training - Collaborating With Clients To Get Results”, Rise VanFleet