Yes, you can do enrichment in the city!

Many times, we hear that it is not possible to do a nice enrichment search for our dogs because we live in the city.

How are we going to find a nice place? With all the noise from the traffic and people, the crowded streets, the fast pace and the ugly surroundings…

Well, with just a little bit of creativity you can find a nice spot for you and your dog to have an amazing time.

This garage is a perfect example. There are trails of smells to follow, nice interesting things around: bicycles, cars, smells from all the people that have been in the garage, storage boxes and bags with plenty different scents that have been left on them. Even the empty spaces provide nice areas to explore.

Watch this video and look how engaged Pepin is! He is calm, focused, and certainly looks like he is enjoying it! His carer is using the smiling leash just for the connection, but here Pepin is at the wheel.

Allowing our dogs to explore new and exciting places broadens their mind, they are able to observe, investigate and process all the information. What a terrific mental workout.

We love this video, and we encourage you to keep going to places like this with your canine companions.


Christmas message from Turid Rugaas to the Smiling Leash community


Dogs don’t care what we wear - or do they?