Pleasant introductions

As the international travel slowly started to be possible in the last months, some of our family members who live in other countries came to visit for a couple of weeks.

"What does it have to do with the Smiling Leash walks?" - you may wonder. Hold on, we will get there.

For many dogs it's not easy having guests suddenly appear in their home and occupy their personal space. In addition, routines of the family might change drastically while guests are visiting, which might also be difficult for the dog.

And for guests who do not interact with dogs on daily basis it might be challenging to build a trusting relationship with the dog right away.

So, it's crucial that the relationship between the dog and new people start off on a pleasant note.

Smiling Leash walks are a great tool we can use to introduce new people to our dogs in a nice way and to build a solid foundation for a future relationship.

Here are a few practical tips that will help you to start off on the right foot:

  • Choose a place that your dog likes and feels safe in (for example: if your dog feels unsure about other dogs, it's best to choose a place where you have fewer chances to meet other dogs).

  • Walk together slowly , allowing the dog to sniff and investigate without any rush or agitation. It feels pleasant for the dog and the new person becomes a part of this nice experience.

  • A long leash (3 meters and above) ensures that the dog can move away from the person if she feels unsure, it provides additional sense of safety. If you see that your dog needs more space, provide it by increasing the distance.

  • While the dog is enjoying her walk, you have a chance to explain to the guests how to interact with the dog politely and what your particular dog likes or dislikes.
    This is a great article on the topic by Silent Conversations.

  • If your dog is not hungry or hot, you can end the walk on a positive note by offering a simple treat search*. And if you are introducing guests who should stay in your home, come back together and quietly enter the home.

The same steps can be used when introducing new dogs.

We are happy to report that thanks to Smiling Leash walks, our family members' visit was a success and everyone enjoyed themselves.

*We wrote about treat search here.


Dogs come in All Sizes


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